Woesdag 22 januari 2020
Op woensdag starten wij voor de hele groep op de BETT beurs waar u ontvangen wordt in een eigen ruimte voor ITEM deelnemers. Hier kunt u ook uw bagage kwijt.
Badge BETT (zelf vooraf registreren!)
Om een badge te ontvangen, wat direct ook uw toegangsbewijs is voor de BETT, dient u zichzelf online te registreren. U ontvangt daarna een bevestiging en de badge in uw mail. Vergeet de badge niet te printen en mee te nemen naar Londen!
Klik HIER om u direct te registreren.
Donderdag 23 januari 2020
De beschrijving van de scholen staat onderaan de pagina.
U kunt een keuze maken uit de volgende scholen:
- Surbiton High School * (PO+VO - ochtend)
- Dunraven School * (PO+VO - ochtend)
- Eastfield Primary School + Prince of Wales (PO - hele dag)
- Oakington Manor Primary School (PO - hele dag)
- Columbia Primary School + Brook House Primary School (PO - hele dag)
- Hill Mead Primary School * (PO - ochtend)
- Brooklands Primary School * (PO - ochtend)
- Stockwell Primary School * (PO - ochtend)
Middagprogramma (alleen in combinatie met de scholen met een * hierboven)
Klik op de titel voor meer informatie.
Vanaf 17 uur (tot uiterlijk 19.30 uur) zijn wij welkom op de Nederlandse ambassade in Londen voor een inhoudelijke sessie (waarin kort de verschillen van aanpak op het gebied van toekomstgericht onderwijs van de beide landen worden toegelicht en over het succes van Britse startups) en een borrel.
Vrijdag 24 januari 2020
Tijdens de conferentie in het hotel kunt u één van onderstaande workshops volgen.
Klik op de titel voor informatie.
De conferentie wordt afgesloten met een Keynote van Rob Martens
Voorkeuren opgeven
In het formulier graag 3 voorkeuren opgeven voor de schoolbezoeken en 2 voorkeuren voor de bezoeken in de middag en de workshops op vrijdag.
U kunt ook aangeven of u deelneemt aan de sessie en borrel op de ambassade.
Klik HIER om uw voorkeuren op te geven.
Bij annuleringen van scholen of sprekers om wat voor reden dan ook zullen wij proberen een zo goed mogelijk alternatief te vinden.
Surbiton High School
Deze school bezoeken wij op donderdagochtend.
Placing technology and innovation at the forefront of education
Surbiton High School are delighted to announce they have been recognised as an Apple Distinguished School.
Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of innovation, leadership and educational excellence that use Apple products to inspire creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. They showcase innovative uses of technology in learning, teaching and the School environment, and have documented results of academic accomplishment’.
Surbiton High School have used iPads within the School environment for over five years and as a School we are constantly improving, updating and looking for ways to improve the educational experience for our pupils through technology. All subjects benefit from the implementation of this technology, some examples include opportunities pupils are able to video science experiments, children can have their work adapted easily to each child’s bespoke requirements, music can be composed on apps, learning resources on the School’s Learning Spaces website can be easily accessed, both from School and home, and homework can be distributed, received and marked with greater speed.
Website Surbiton
Dunraven School
Deze school bezoeken wij op donderdagochtend.
Op deze school wordt getracht een doorlopende leerlijn PO-VO te realiseren. Het bezoek aan deze school bevat daardoor een bezoek aan zowel het PO als het VO. Daarnaast is het interessant om te zien hoe Google Suite door de hele school heen wordt gebruikt.
Primary School
The Primary team is excited to introduce a class blog for each teaching group. This is an exciting opportunity for our students and teachers alike to share what happens in class.
One of the main goals of the blog is to increase the school/home connection by providing families with a window into the class’ activities. The blog also opens the class to an audience of peers from around the world who have similar blogs. This provides students with a sense of authenticity for their reading and writing.
Secondary School
Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, students design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Students learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.
Website Dunraven
Oakington Manor Primary School
Deze school bezoeken wij donderdag de hele dag.
Oakington Manor is sinds april 2016 een academie geworden en maakt nu deel uit van Excellence in Education, samen met de federatieve Furness Primary School.
Het Curriculum dat wordt aangeboden is gebaseerd op de overeengekomen doelen van de school en het bieden van goed onderwijs met de nadruk op hoge normen voor werk, prestatie en gedrag.
Van de website van de school:
Oakington Manor is a large exciting 3 form Primary School with 730 pupils. We are located in Wembley, very close to the fabulous Wembley Stadium, home of the Football Association.
Extended Day
The Extended Day provision at Oakington provides a safe and caring environment for busy parents to leave their children. The After School Club is available till 6 p.m. and children participate in a variety of activities and enjoy a healthy meal. We offer a Breakfast Club which operates from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and provides a hot nourishing breakfast.
Pupils at Oakington Manor are encouraged to develop their ICT and Computing skills through age appropriate activities which include using:
- iPads, tablets, laptops and desktops for research, creative writing (including book publishing)and game creation;
- Cameras and camcorders for creative filmmaking and learning the basics of photography;
- Beebots, Remote control toys, Ozobots, Makey Makeys, Lego Wedo and Nao Robots to create, challenge, problem solve, low to high level coding and robotics activities. This is further encouraged through opportunities for pupils to become a ‘Coding Champion’, a ‘Media Team member’ or a Digital Leader in our weekly run ICT and Coding Club.
- Videos, age appropriate stories and activities to teach children about the importance of keeping safe online.
- Pupils and Staff are e-confident!
Website Oakington Manor
Columbia Primary School en Brook House Primary School
Deze scholen bezoeken wij op donderdag de hele dag.
Columbia Primary School
Deze school ligt in een multiculturele wijk en voor de meeste leerlingen is Engels niet hun moedertaal. Dit leidt tot o.a. een nadruk op creativiteit en de school doet een beroep op het probleemoplossend vermogen van de leerlingen. De school omschrijft dit als volgt:
Creativity and Thinking Skills:
We aim to make teaching and learning creative, active and engaging and we do this by putting a high emphasis on: talking and thinking together, questioning, making connections, exploring possibilities and experimenting with new ideas, solving problems and looking for news olutions and possibilities. We greatly value the creative arts and use them throughout our curriculum for their own intrinsic worth and to access other areas of learning through the arts. We are proud to be an Artsmark Gold school and a Creative Partnership’s 'School of Creativity,' one of only sixty such schools in the UK.
In 2019 mochten wij deze school voor het eerst bezoeken en de reacties hierop waren heel enthousiast. Wij zijn dan ook zeer verheugd dat wij deze school weer mogen bezoeken.
Website Columbia
Brook House Primary School
Deze school zit in de Lion Academy Trust. De scholen in deze Trust werken samen met strategische partners zoals Google en Samsung.
At Brook House Primary School we believe that all children and students have a right to have an excellent education in order to give them the best life chances irrespective of race, colour, creed or circumstance. We are an inclusive, caring school where every child matters. We recognise that all children have talents and abilities to celebrate, and part of our role is to help children to discover these.
Although we work within the organisation of an Academy Trust, Brook House Primary School will always be a ‘community’ school. We aim to work closely with our parents, other schools and organisations, building partnerships that benefit not only our children but others in the wider community, both on a local, national and global level.
Website Brook House
Eastfield Primary School en Prince of Wales Primary School
Deze scholen bezoeken wij op donderdag de hele dag.
Eastfield Primary School
Eigen verantwoordelijkheid voor het leren staat hoog in het vaandel en leren wordt gestimuleerd door kinderen in een rijke leeromgeving uit te dagen waarbij ook gebruik wordt gemaakt van ICT. De Head teacher is tevens Apple teacher.
Zelf omschrijven ze het als volgt:
Eastfield Primary School is a very dynamic place to learn. Our ambition is to provide the best possible primary education in stimulating and creative environments. We want to develop a passion for learning, inspired by high-quality teaching, developing and building upon individual strengths and talents. We very much value children as leaders of themselves, others and valuable contributors to the local community.
We are an inclusive school. We expect all children to reach age-related levels, in line with national expectations, as a minimum, and we aim to ensure that the barriers to learning are removed, so that every pupil in all of our school reach their full potential.
Learning is central to everything at Eastfield. Our values based curriculum motivates the children to ask questions, see connections between things and enables the children be self reflective about the world around them.
Website Eastfield
Prince of Wales Primary School
This school opened in 1950 and is situated in Enfield Lock, North East of the London Borough of Enfield. It benefits from extensive grounds including gardens, pond, sports fields, playgrounds and environmental areas. The local environment offers a variety of historical, rural and industrial resources which provide an excellent stimulus for historical, geographical and technological studies.
Our curriculum aims to develop enjoyment and commitment to learning. It encourages the interconnected knowledge, skills and understanding needed for lifelong learning. These include English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, personal learning and social skills. We encourage learning outdoors and out of the school classroom where possible and believe in offering the children a wealth of experiences to stimulate their questioning and learning. We aim to create memorable learning experiences with planned and spontaneous experiences within and beyond the classroom and this often includes work with experts.
Website Prince of Wales
Hill Mead Primary School
Deze school bezoeken wij op donderdagochtend.
What makes Hill Mead different:
- We believe in a calm, respectful school with clear boundaries.
- We attract and develop the most outstanding & ambitious teachers.
- We plan our own curriculum so that it is imaginative & engaging.
- We are small enough that every child is still known by name.
- If we have a place, we will never turn a child away.
Recently, the UK Literacy Association presented us with a national award for Diversity and Inclusion. They judged that our unique curriculum ‘has produced children who are confident, engaged and proud of their own heritage and that of their community.’
Website Hill Mead
Brooklands Primary School
Deze school bezoeken wij op donderdagochtend.
Het is een mooie school in Victoriaanse stijl gebouwd. Top tien school van Londen, top 500 van Engeland. Stimulerende leeromgeving, hoog gemotiveerd.
Here we believe that children learn best through direct experience. Our school curriculum is based on this principle, which captures interest, stimulates enthusiasm and provides learning opportunities for pupils of all abilities.
At Brooklands, pupils are encouraged to take an increasing responsibility for their learning, which we believe promotes greater confidence and independence, preparing them for their future life.
Website Brooklands
Stockwell Primary School
Deze school bezoeken wij op donderdagochtend.
Stockwell Primary School staat in de Londense wijk Lambeth. De school is gehuisvest in een nieuw gebouw en biedt onderwijs aan leerlingen van 2 tot 11 jaar. Voor een groot deel wordt de leerstof aangeboden via curriculum guides. Hierin worden alle schoolvakken per kwartaal geïntegreerd aangeboden via thema’s. Zo is er een thema rond Time Travellers voor Year 5 en een thema rond Ancient Civilisations in Year 3. In de voorstellen rond Curriculum.nu wordt deze aanpak aanbevolen als een nieuwe manier van werken.
Sinds 2019 is de school partnerschool in het Erasmus+ project #Co-Make, waarin samen met scholen uit Nederland, Zweden, Denemarken en Finland onderzocht wordt hoe computational skills bij kinderen van 4 tot 6 jaar aangeboden kunnen worden.
Website Stockwell